Stake KNG
PoS (Proof of Stake) in Kanga is a service that allows you to profit from storing your KNG tokens in a special, personal Staking account

Unique KNG IEO on Kanga Exchange
Recently you might have found many announcements on our social media. . So far, we have officially announced two special events

What is KETH?
Recently, there has been a landmark event in the world of cryptocurrencie. . It will undoubtedly have a gigantic impact on the future of blockchain currencies

Kanga Liquidity oEUR Staking
What is oEUR staking? The Staking Kanga Liquidity oEUR mechanism allows users to deposit oEUR tokens to a dedicated staking account and participate in the daily distribution of rewards

Kanga Liquidity oPLN Staking
What is oPLN staking? The Staking Kanga Liquidity oPLN mechanism allows users to deposit omegaPLN tokens to a dedicated staking account and participate in the daily distribution of rewards

Kanga Liquidity USDT Staking
What is USDT staking? The Staking Kanga Liquidity USDT mechanism allows users to deposit USDT tokens to a dedicated staking account and participate in the daily distribution of rewards

KNG Staking
What is KNG staking? The Staking mechanism enables KNG token holders to share in the profits from transaction fees charged on the Kanga Exchange platform