Deposit Assets to Kanga Exchange
How to deposit cryptocurrencies on Kanga Exchange? To deposit cryptocurrency to your Kanga Exchange wallet follow the steps below: Log into your account and open the Wallet Deposit tab
How to order Kanga card?
Have you already read our post about the great possibilities of having a Kanga card? If not, do not worry, you can still check it out! But how to become the owner and consequently, the user of Kanga card? We will answer this question here and now!
Kanga Liquidity oEUR Staking
What is oEUR staking? The Staking Kanga Liquidity oEUR mechanism allows users to deposit oEUR tokens to a dedicated staking account and participate in the daily distribution of rewards
Kanga Liquidity oPLN Staking
What is oPLN staking? The Staking Kanga Liquidity oPLN mechanism allows users to deposit omegaPLN tokens to a dedicated staking account and participate in the daily distribution of rewards
What is PEP?
PEP - Politically Exposed Person - means, excluding groups of middle and lower-level positions, persons holding significant public positions or performing significant public functions and persons who have ceased to hold a significant public position
Launchpad guaranteed allocations with an auto-buy feature
Kanga Exchange offers the Auto-Buy feature as a service to all who stake their KNG tokens. . This option is available as a special round during most of the token sale events on our launchpad. To secure a guaranteed purchase during IEO on Kanga
KNG Staking
What is KNG staking? The Staking mechanism enables KNG token holders to share in the profits from transaction fees charged on the Kanga Exchange platform
Recurring orders
Recurring orders allow you to place repeat orders to buy or sell cryptocurrency. . Orders are executed at the best price available on the market, considering the limit set by the user
Additional “selfie” verification
Additional verification during KYC on the Kanga Exchange is an additional verification by means of a so-called selfie photo, i.e