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Don't be a financial mule! INTERPOL campaign #Your Account Your Crime

Don't be a financial mule! INTERPOL campaign #Your Account Your Crime

Did you know that you can become an accomplice to a crime unknowingly – for example, by participating in a job recruitment? However, the legal consequences will be real. To raise awareness of the threat, INTERPOL is running a campaign under the slogan #YourAccountYourCrime. Find out what it’s about and see if you’ve become a “financial mule.”

INTERPOL warns against financial scams

INTERPOL between August 28 and September 11 is organizing a campaign with the slogan #YourAccountYourCrime. As part of it, it is conducting educational activities.

The slogan is not coincidental.

It is bank accounts that criminals use to “launder” illegal income, hide its origin, and confuse law enforcement. 

The Polish police also joined the action – they publicize it and advise on how to be one step ahead of the scammer to avoid becoming a “financial mule.” 

Who is a “financial mule”?

A person who knowingly or unknowingly receives money from illegal sources into his bank account and transfers it further. In this way, he helps criminals “launder” the funds, hiding their real origin.

  • A conscious mule knows that it will receive money in its account and transfer it to another account. 
  • The unaware mule has no idea what is going on. It is likely that criminals have obtained his data and set up accounts for him, which they use to make transfers.

If you are a mule, you become guilty, and it is not important whether you knew the source of the money you received and sent on.

How could you become a mule?

  • Through a job ad from a company that doesn’t provide much data about itself.
  • On dating sites.
  • By receiving an offer for a simple and profitable investment.
  • As a result of impersonation, such as a courier asking for data and access to a bank account.

Who are the main targets of fraudsters?

Anyone can be a target. Mostly they are job seekers, single people, people with financial difficulties, as well as the elderly, or just people who are susceptible to manipulation. 

More and more often, scammers are offering attractive job offers to students who are looking for a way to make some money.

Figures from a recent UK Finance report show that nearly one in four cases of a “financial mule” scam involved a person under the age of 21.

Be smarter than the scammer!

  • Beware of promises of easy and quick money.
  • Don’t send resumes in response to vague job offers.
  • Don’t give your data and access to bank accounts to unknown people and companies.
  • Be distrustful if someone wants to use your account to transfer or obtain funds.

Kanga also warns against money laundering

Want to stay ahead of scammers? Stay up to date with the Nie Pie(p)rz campaign, which is run by Kanga. You’ll find information on how criminals operate and how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

The campaign includes a video from which you will learn more about “financial mules” You will also learn 5 golden rules that will protect you from scammers.

Embeded video

Why do I need this information?

You’ll find warnings about online scams on sales portals and in banking applications… Nevertheless, scammers never sleep – and they keep finding new ways to reach potential targets.

That’s why campaigns like the one organized by INTERPOL #YourAccountYourCrime and the one run by Kanga Nie Pie(p)rz are being created. They will ensure that you are always one step ahead of the criminal.