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We bring cryptocurrencies to earth!

We bring cryptocurrencies to earth!

With this quite catchy slogan we wish to remind you that the Kanga Exchange aim and mission is to make the use of cryptocurrencies widespread in everyday life. We have already been considerably successfull in this field. Today we will talk about one of such successes.

When we informed you at the end of the year that thanks to Kanga Exchange you can pay for you car with Bitcoins, we were treating it from the very beginning as a promise of regular transactions. And so it happened! I am not sure if you know (probably you do not, so ATTENTION! We are about to boast) that Kanga Exchange was already involved in purchasing a few luxury cars – we participated in buying a Porsche and a BMW – whose total value is somewhat overwhelming.

OK, so what role did we play in this? Well, such transactions are possible thanks to our payment gateway, which helps to satisfy the buyer’s and the seller’s intrests at the highest possible level. And so the seller defines which currency they wish to receive as payment for their goods and the buyer needs not to be bothered with this at all! Thanks to the Kanga Exchange paymnet gateway the buyer can pay with any of the currencies listen on Kanga Exchange and the gateway mechanism will instantly exchange the relevant currencies to the effect that the seller will receive the payment in the currency selected by them. So, do you now know how you will pay for your purchase?