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Lotto SuperLiga and Kanga

Lotto SuperLiga and Kanga

Another season of LOTTO SuperLIGA begins this week. Some of the best tennis teams in Poland will soon face each other. We are all looking forward to this great excitement.

Tennis SuperLiGA vs. Cryptocurrencies

You may wonder, “Why such an exotic combination?”. After all, it might seem that tennis is a bit far from a cryptocurrency exchange

And it’s very good that you are thinking about it, among all the comments we will choose the best answer, and the winner chosen by us will get a T-shirt with the signature of the talented and successful tennis player Łukasz Kubot and a set of gadgets. We have also prepared a surprise for the person who writes the second best comment. Post your answers under the contest post.

All we will say is that everything in life is gained through hard work – whether we are talking about exploring the details of new projects or intense physical training. Moreover, both cryptocurrencies and sports are based on reaching for more and getting out of your comfort zone. Adoption is ongoing. 

Sadly, being a cryptocurrency player is still more of an exception than the rule in our society. The case is similar to the beautiful sport of tennis. We hope this will change in the coming future.

Look for us in the stands, because of course, we will be there. We can’t miss such an opportunity. We will cheer together, and after the match – we can talk.

Who is playing and against whom?

This is quite important information, so for all those interested:



CKT Grodzisk Mazowiecki vs. AZS TENIS Poznań, and 

WKT MERA Warszawa vs. BKT ADVANTAGE Bielsko-Biala.

Sport in the world of cryptocurrencies

As Kanga, we support sports not only for the sake of adrenaline.  We have to admit, everyone likes a good show, nevertheless, it is important to remember this simple Polish saying ”sport to zdrowie” – sport is healthy. That is why we encourage everyone to exercise. It doesn’t matter if you are young, experienced with life, go to the gym 6 times a week or you are completely new to this concept. 

Of course, the intensity should be adjusted to your physical capabilities. After all, someone who is just starting out is unlikely to have the stamina of a professional. In any case, a few minutes of exercise a day can significantly increase life satisfaction. We sincerely wish that for you all! We’ll see you on the court!

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