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#KangaDate - Results of the contest
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The search is over! 🔍 Were you able to find the clues that we left? 💳
Thank you for the numerous responses and participation in the competition.
The correct answers are as follows:
The date of Kanga Exchange foundation ➡️ 11/09/2018
Date of the first emission of the KNG token ➡️ 01/03/2021
The first correct answer was given by @kajtekajtek and he won the main prize of 10 KNG!
Whereas T-shirts #InKangaWeTrust go to four people who were the closest: 😎
Congratulations to the winners!
If your nickname is among the winner, DM us on one of our SM channels. 😉
Order your free card ➡️ kanga.exchange/club
#Kanga #KangaCard #KangaDate