Kanga Exchange stablecoins
Do you know the term "stablecoin"? This can best be described as a "stable currency". . Stablecoins are digital currencies whose exchange rate is correlated to the corresponding fiat currencies, while their susceptibility to exchange rate

How to tokenize your company on Kanga Exchange
Tokenization as an alternative to crowdfunding and the stock exchange. . The increasing adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, which are its particular use case, makes more and more people and companies turn their eyes towards

Are banks going to collapse?
We have certainly come to live in interesting times. . The banking system must seriously rethink its future. . I will even go on to say that by continuing its operations in the form it operates now, it should even become truly concerned about its

How to avoid crypto scams?
How to protect your data and funds online and on kanga.exchange? We take our lives online more and more often nowadays: we do our shopping, we work, we pay our bills there

How to buy your first Bitcoin?
It is difficult to stay indifferent to the rising popularity of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. . So if you are bored with waiting for Bitcoin to pop out of your fridge and you have decided to face the unknown, this article is the first

Personal tokens - is there a point?
Introduction In my opinion, personal tokens are one of the most important tokens, next to company or share tokens, because they relate directly to a person