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What is the placebo effect in cryptocurrencies?

What is the placebo effect in cryptocurrencies?

The placebo effect is one of the most fascinating phenomena in medicine. Patients, unaware they are taking a substance without active ingredients, experience health improvements solely due to their belief in its efficacy. This phenomenon demonstrates the powerful impact our psyche can have on the body’s physiology. But what happens when we take this concept beyond the realm of medicine? It turns out that the placebo effect has its roots in other areas of life, including the world of finance.

In investing, just as in medicine, the psyche plays a pivotal role. The decisions we make are often driven not so much by hard data and analyses, but rather by our beliefs, emotions, and expectations. Just as a patient believes in the miraculous power of a pill, an investor can be convinced of the reliability of a certain investment strategy or tool, despite the lack of real evidence supporting its effectiveness. In this way, the placebo effect enters the stock market, influencing the decisions of millions of investors worldwide. But how exactly does this mechanism work in the context of financial markets, and what implications does it have for us? In this article, we’ll explore how our beliefs shape our investments.

What is the placebo effect in investing?

 In the context of investing, the placebo effect is surprisingly subtle and powerful at the same time. It refers to situations where investors make financial decisions based on deeply rooted beliefs in the efficacy of a particular strategy, tool, or even specific information, despite the absence of real evidence of their value. This could be a belief in the effectiveness of a “magic” investment formula, a technical indicator, or advice from an expert, whose actual value is questionable.

This behavior is strikingly similar to a patient who feels relief after taking a placebo pill, believing it to be a real medication. In both cases, the key factor is belief, not reality. For the investor, this means that mere faith in a strategy or tool can lead to confidence in decision-making, even if the foundations of that faith are unwarranted. As a result, such behavior can lead to mistakes, unwarranted risks, and potential losses if decisions are based solely on unverified beliefs, rather than solid data or market analysis.

Where does it come from?

The placebo effect in investing arises from various psychological and behavioral factors inherent to the human mind:

  • Human need for certainty: We live in a world of constant change, especially in financial markets. Faced with unpredictability and risk, people naturally seek certainty. Strategies that promise steady and predictable returns have a strong allure, even if their actual foundations are weak or unclear.
  • Suggestion and expectations: We often fall for the suggestions of others, especially if they are individuals we consider experts in a given field. When we hear about an “amazing” strategy or a “reliable” indicator, our psyche can be misled, leading us to believe it must be true. 
  • Confirmation bias: The human mind operates in such a way that it often looks for affirmation of its beliefs, ignoring information that challenges them. If we are convinced of the value of a certain strategy, we may unconsciously seek evidence of its effectiveness, while simultaneously ignoring opposing evidence. 
  • Social pressure: We often follow the crowd, thinking that if many investors use a certain strategy, it must be effective. This leads to the phenomenon of a “speculative bubble”, where the price of assets rises because everyone is investing in it, not because of its real value.

What are the consequences?

The placebo effect in investing, though it may provide a short-term sense of satisfaction, often has long-term negative outcomes:

  • Mistaken decisions: Under the influence of the placebo effect, investors might make decisions based on beliefs rather than solid data, leading to potential losses.
  • Loss of capital: By sticking to ineffective strategies, investors may incur significant losses that might be hard to recover.
  • Market distortions: If enough investors operate under the placebo effect, it could lead to market distortions like speculative bubbles or crashes.
  • Emotional burnout: Repeated mistakes and losses can lead to frustration, stress, and burnout, potentially discouraging investors from further market activity.

How to protect oneself?

  • Education: A critical component in shielding oneself from the influence of the placebo effect in investing is continuous self-education. Immersing oneself in the world of finance, understanding basic economic terms, technical and fundamental analysis, as well as tracking current market trends, can help differentiate between solid, data-driven strategies and those that are merely “trendy.”
  • Critical thinking: Not every piece of information encountered is credible. In this information age, we’re bombarded with varied data, opinions, and “hot tips”. It’s essential to learn to scrutinize the source of the information, ponder the motive of the individual or institution providing it, and question its authenticity. This is particularly crucial for “get rich quick” offers or “secret strategies” which often seem too good to be true.
  • Sharing knowledge: Collaborating with other investors, participating in discussion groups or investment forums can be invaluable. Jointly analyzing strategies, sharing experiences, and listening to others’ views can help in verifying one’s own beliefs. Moreover, investors who have made certain mistakes can warn others against similar pitfalls.
  • Distance: It’s important to maintain some emotional distance from one’s investments. Avoid making decisions under the influence of emotions like fear or greed. Setting clear goals, determining loss limits, and regular reviews of one’s portfolio can help in maintaining objectivity and preventing decisions based on the placebo effect.
  • Using advisors: If uncertain about investment decisions, consider using a financial advisor’s services. A professional can assist in evaluating strategies, pinpointing potential risks, and suggesting more profitable alternatives.


The placebo effect, commonly known from the field of medicine where patients experience health improvements after taking substances without active ingredients, also has its counterparts in the financial world. In investing, decisions made by investors are often shaped not just by specific data and analyses, but also by their personal beliefs, emotions, and expectations. This “financial” placebo effect refers to situations where investors act based on deeply ingrained beliefs about certain strategies or tools, despite a lack of real evidence for their efficacy. 

This phenomenon is driven by various psychological factors, such as the human need for certainty, suggestion, confirmation of one’s beliefs, and social pressure. Its consequences can be negative, leading to incorrect investment decisions, capital loss, market distortions, and emotional burnout. To avoid the influence of the placebo effect in investing, continuous education, critical thinking, knowledge-sharing, maintaining emotional distance, and using financial advisors are crucial.