
70. Threshold signature in cryptography: an advanced signing technique!

Cryptography, the science of securing communications and data, plays a key role in today’s world of cryptocurrencies. One of its important aspects is the signature technique, which makes it possible to verify the authenticity and integrity of data, as well as to identify its sender.

Within this technique, there are many different solutions, including threshold signature, which is an advanced and truly fascinating area of cryptography. In this article, we will discuss what exactly threshold signature is in cryptography and its applications and advantages.

What is a threshold signature in cryptography?

A threshold signature is a type of signing mechanism that allows a message or document to be signed by a group of users. This is done in such a way that the whole mechanism only requires a minimum of signatures for a given signature to be valid. In other words, not all people in the group need to participate in the whole signing process to achieve a valid signature.

A threshold signature is often used in situations where we need high security and simultaneous authentication. This is the case, for example, in banking, managing cryptographic keysand or managing critical systems. There are many different protocols and algorithms to implement threshold signatures such as schwellen digital signature schemes (SDSS) or multisignature schemes.

How do threshold signature systems work?

To understand the operation of threshold signatures, we must first analyse the digital signature scheme. A digital signaturegoes through a three-step process:

Generate a pair of keys: private and public (KeyGen). The private key is used to authorise the transaction and confirm ownership, and the public key is used to send the digital asset.

Once the message has been received and the keys generated, we move on to the next process: sing. This algorithm is responsible for generating the signature.

The last stage is the so-called verify, i.e. checking the message, keys and verifying the signature. Depending on the authenticity, the algorithm will accept the process or reject it.

In the case of threshold signatures, the KeyGen and Sign algorithm is replaced by an interactive protocol that distributes key generation and signing across multiple users (parties). They are responsible for generating the signature. In TSS, the verification algorithm remains unchanged and works the same as in the DSS method.

Generating a threshold signature – step by step:

In the first step, the private key is split. It is divided into parts and assigned to different users. In practice, it is divided by means of so-called secret shares, which each user keeps.

Next we have signing a message. Users who want to sign a message or document collaborate to generate a signature together. The required number of users provide their shares of the previously shared private key.

The final stage is signature generation. When the required number of shares are available, they are used to generate a valid signature for the message. This signature can later be verified by others using the public key, which is constructed from the sharesof the private key.

Main advantages of threshold signatures

Importantly, signing using threshold signatures, is more efficient than other systems that manage keys. Why? Because the system generates only one signature, instead of many (as multi-sig algorithms do, for example).

So what are the key advantages of the Threshold Signature Scheme?

First and foremost – increased security. The threshold signature technology uses distributed computing. This means that the private keyis not exposed to a single point of failure. Signatures are distributed across multiple devices, which in practice means that no one device has access to the whole. This prevents internal and external points of failure.

Another advantage is that transactions are smaller in size and therefore less expensive. Transactions carried out using TSS do not contain a large amount of data. On the contrary, they have the same amount of data as regular single-signature transactions. A small amount of data means greater speed and lower transaction fees.

The ease of refreshing keys is another plus of threshold signatures. With MPC-Threshold Signatures we can very easily generate a huge number of distributed combinations of key parts that represent our private key.

Well, and finally we have operational flexibility. In the case of threshold signatures the entire private key is never revealed. Parts of it can therefore be easily extended to include new members who join the signing group. Importantly, we do not then have to disclose the keys or change parts of them. So when a company expands in practice, it can easily add new signing members to its group and not disclose the private keys to them.

Applications of threshold signatures

Threshold signatures are used in a variety of areas, and even more so where secure authorisation and a highly secure signing process are required. Threshold signatures can be found in areas such as:

Managing cryptographic keys. In organisations that manage cryptographic keys, threshold signatures can help secure access to keys and verify the authenticity of those authorised to use them.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In the cryptocurrency world, threshold signatures are used to authorise transactions multiple times.

Network security. In managing network resources such as servers and network devices, TSS help secure access and authorise administrators.

Banking and finance. TSS are mainly found in online banking and financial transactions. Threshold signatures can also be used to secure transactions, especially those with large values.


Threshold signature is an advanced cryptographic technique that enables transactions and documents to be signed securely. It requires multiple users working together at the same time to operate.

The applications of TSS are broad and include areas such as banking, cryptographic key management, blockchain or cryptocurrencies. With their advantages, including a high level of security and access control, threshold signatures are an important part of cryptography in today’s digital world.

Complete today’s lesson!

  1. Schnorr’s signatures – what is it?
  2. What is asymmetric encryption?
  3. What is probablistic encryption?
  4. MPC portfolio and multilateral calculations

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