
80. What is a Black Swan?

The Black Swan, also known as the Black Swan Theory, is an unpredictable and rare phenomenon in the market that has a major impact and often far-reaching consequences. The name was introduced by the statistics and trading expert Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The concept has its roots in finance and is also used in connection with cryptocurrencies.

Events that are summarised under the term “black swan” are generally difficult to predict. They are extremely rare and have no parallel in history. They highlight weaknesses in current models of market analysis and risk management strategies.

In today’s lesson, we will take a closer look at the “Black Swan” topic and discuss its impact on the cryptocurrency market.

Black Swan event – definition

Simply put, it is a surprising event that has never happened before in history and has a huge impact on the market. According to Taleb, the founder of the theory, events associated with the Black Swan have three basic characteristics:

  • It is an outlier phenomenon. It exceeds expectations and has no history, so it cannot be predicted.
  • It always has an outright extreme impact on the market.
  • However, despite its uniqueness, the Black Swan event has a rational explanation.

Examples of such events include the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack or the 2008 global financial crisis, among others.

Black Swans in crypto markets

In the world of cryptocurrencies, events related to the Black Swan theory can take many different forms. Due to the high volatility and dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market, unexpected situations can have a significant impact on the market. Examples of black swans are:

Regulation, i.e., decisions by governments, such as unexpected bans on cryptocurrency transactions or liquidations of exchanges. Such decisions can lead to a sharp decline in the value of digital assets.

Security breaches. Server takeovers and attacks that take over exchanges negatively affect cryptocurrencies. An example of such a Black Swan is the attack on Ronin Network in 2022, which took market participants surprised and resulted in large financial losses.

Technology-related problems. Errors in cryptocurrency codes or smart contracts can affect the functioning of the entire ecosystem of a particular cryptocurrency. This, in turn, can have a catastrophic impact on the entire market.

Market manipulation. Actions we are familiar with that are meant to influence prices, such as pump-and-dump operations. They are meant to trigger sudden price fluctuations or even crises, as was the case with the problems with Terra Luna or the collapse of the FTX exchange, which affected the entire digital asset sector.

Global factors such as economic crises. International events such as geopolitical tensions or inflation can have a far-reaching impact on the cryptocurrency markets.

Is it possible to prepare for a Black Swan event?

Despite its unpredictable nature, cryptocurrency users and investors, can prepare for such events in the following ways:

  1. First of all – diversify your portfolio. Spreading your investments across different cryptocurrencies and asset classes, can protect investors from losing all the money they have.
  2. Proper risk management. Every investor, not just cryptocurrency investors, should adopt a strategy that takes into account the dozen or so scenarios that can occur in the market. This will reduce your exposure to risk.
  3. Flexibility, i.e. changing one’s strategy depending on market behaviour. This is important for minimizing losses.
  4. Staying up to date. In investment cryptocurrency, it is crucial to follow events and current news. As a result, we will spot early warning signs.


In the context of the growing and extremely dynamic cryptocurrency market, the concept of the Black Swan is becoming increasingly important and relevant, and not just for inexperienced traders. These unforeseen and rare events can have an unexpected impact on the stability and value of cryptocurrencies, which in turn has a direct impact on investors’ decisions and the general market atmosphere.

In Black Swan, it is necessary to adopt a risk management strategy and be fully prepared to act quickly and effectively in the case of these events.

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