

Mainnet (Main Network) is the final stage of development of a blockchain project, which is released to the public and becomes a functional, operational product.
Mainnet is the main, final network within the blockchain project. This means that the project has reached its full development and is ready for use by the community.
Transition from Testnet:
Typically, Mainnet is introduced after the Testnet stage, which is a testing environment used to check functionality and identify any bugs before public deployment.
Public Availability:
Mainnet is publicly available to all users, investors, developers and other interested parties. It is on Mainnet that users can enjoy the full functionality of the project.
Full Functionality:
Once launched on Mainnet, the project achieves full functionality and starts working as the developers intended. All protocols, smart contracts and other elements are activated.
Mainnet often features full decentralization, meaning that control of the network is dispersed among many participants, rather than concentrated in one place.
Proprietary Cryptocurrency:
For blockchain projects, Mainnet typically deploys the project’s own cryptocurrency (token), which is used for various purposes within the network.
Implementing Smart Contracts:
On Mainnet, developers can implement smart contracts, which are autonomous computer programs that perform specific functions according to programmed logic.
Realistic Transactions:
The transactions performed on Mainnet are real and affect the state of user accounts and the state of the network itself. This is where all real operations take place.
Community Acceptance:
Launching on Mainnet is often the moment when the project gains the full trust of the community, and investors and users can start using the project’s services without restrictions.
Examples of Mainnets:
Examples of projects that have reached the Mainnet stage include Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cardano and many others. Each of these projects has reached maturity and is a functioning, publicly accessible blockchain network.
Launching on Mainnet is a significant milestone in the life of a blockchain project. It’s the moment when the project becomes a viable product, available to all interested parties, which can help increase interest and trust from the community and investors.


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