
17. What are veToken?

In today’s dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, innovative solutions are emerging that radically change traditional approaches to finance and technology. One of the latest and promising projects is veToken. In this article we will take a closer look at what veTokens are, their applications and their potential impact on the future of blockchain technology.

What are veTokens?

VeTokens, or Vote Escrowed Tokens, is a new token model that aims to solve two key problems in the DeFi ecosystem: liquidity and user engagement. In most DeFi projects, users receive management tokens that entitle them to participate in ecosystem management and decision-making. Unfortunately, users often dispose of these tokens as soon as they receive them, which does not foster long-term commitment to the project.

VeTokens are designed to solve this problem. They are tokens that users receive in exchange for locking up native protocol tokens in a smart contract “escrow” for a specified period of time. This action gives veToken users the right to vote and represents their voting power in DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).

Examples of veTokens:

veCRV: This is an example of a veToken used in the Curve Finance protocol. Users block their CRVs for a specified period of time (e.g., from two weeks to four years) and receive veCRVs in proportion to the time of blocking. The longer they block the CRV, the more veCRV they receive. veCRV holders have the right to vote on Curve Finance’s DAO decisions and receive additional benefits such as 50% of transaction fees.
veBAL: Balancer Labs has introduced veTokens with their own specifications. Users lock in their Balancer Liquidity Pool Tokens (BPTs) (with an 80%/20% BAL/ETH ratio) for a maximum period of one year. This solution benefits users through a shorter lock-up period and specific requirements for tokens locked in liquidity pools.

Evolution of veTokens:
Other projects, such as the profit aggregator on Binance Smart Chain, are decreeing the use of veTokens to increase community engagement. Decentralized exchanges and liquidity providers have also integrated veTokens into their governance models, increasing trust and community activity.


VeTokens are an innovative DeFi solution that is revolutionizing the way users engage with and support blockchain projects. These tokens not only increase community engagement, but also support long-term adoption through rewards for blockchain tokens and voting rights. However, like any new technology, veTokens also face challenges, such as concentration of power and differences in voting activity. As projects such as veBAL evolve, veTokens are demonstrating their flexibility and potential for further development, redefining the landscape of decentralized finance and governance.

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