
Help with cryptocurrencies!

Aleks ma zespół Angelmena.
Poprawmy mu komfort podróży do zdrowia!

  Fotelik samochodowy

  Zespół Angelmena



Aleks to 7-letni chłopiec, który kocha podróże. Poznawanie nowych miejsc sprawia mu wiele radości. Uwielbia doświadczać wszystkiego, co nowe. Niestety jego choroby i niepełnosprawność powodują, że przemieszczanie się jest bardzo skomplikowane. Zespół Angelmena to choroba neurologiczna, która sprawia, że Aleks wciąż nie chodzi, nigdy nie będzie mówił i ma głęboką niepełnosprawność intelektualną. Dodatkowo, w życiu codziennym zmaga się z padaczką lekooporną i zaburzeniami snu. Nie potrafi dobrze radzić sobie z pozycją własnego ciała i ma hiperaktywność, przez co podróż autem wymaga szczególnego zabezpieczenia. A takie podróże realizuje nie tylko dla przyjemności. Aleks często jeździ do przychodni, szpitali i na turnusy rehabilitacyjne.

Standardowy fotelik samochodowy nie pozwala na bezpieczne i komfortowe przemieszczanie się. Na szczęście istnieją foteliki, które potrafią temu zaradzić.

Jednym z nich jest Carrot 3, który dedykowany jest dzieciom z niepełnosprawnością. Jego konstrukcja ułatwia sprawne przeniesienie go z wózka inwalidzkiego do samochodu. Ponadto, specjalny, ergonomiczny kształt fotelika i szerokie możliwości regulacji poszczególnych elementów pomagają zachować prawidłową postawę.

Aleks jeździ obecnie w podobnym foteliku, ale jest on już za mały. Chłopiec potrzebuje sprzętu dopasowanego do jego wzrostu. Niestety koszt fotelika Carrot 3 jest zbyt duży, aby rodzice mogli go kupić samodzielnie, a NFZ nie refunduje takich kosztów. 

Bez nowego fotelika, podróże Aleksa będą niemożliwe. Pomóżmy mu sprawnie się przemieszczać!

How can you help?

Make a donation to the Kanga Foundation in the cryptocurrency of your choice.

Once the donation goal is reached,
the Kanga Foundation exchanges
the funds into PLN°.

The Kanga Foundation team buys
the necessary equipment and delivers it
to those in need.

Help us make dreams come true!

Material possessions may not bring happiness – but they can certainly help improve quality of life. The right orthopedic or rehabilitation equipment, hearing and communication aids, and other assistive technologies allow people with disabilities to live more comfortably!

See how we delivered a treadmill to Maja.

Watch how Lena received a tablet for AAC.

Check out how Ignacy got the treadmill.

Goals and activities

The primary goal of the foundation’s activities is to provide everyday-need equipment to children with disabilities.

We organize donation drives to purchase equipment that will bring more smiles into their lives.

We aim to meet the needs that cannot be fulfilled by the National Health Fund or other state organizations.

Do you need help?


  • you are a parent or a guardian of a child under the age of 18,
  • your child has a disability and needs special equipment (e.g. a wheelchair, prosthesis, FM system),
  • you are unable to meet these needs on your own or with the support of the National Health Fund or other institutions,

get in touch with us!

Write us an e-mail telling us your story – what happened, what you need, and how it will change your life. Send your message to [email protected].


What cryptocurrencies can I use for payment?

You can use any cryptocurrency that can be exchanged for the stablecoin oPLN (a stablecoin pegged to the Polish złoty, PLN) on trade.kanga.exchange. A list of available cryptocurrencies will be displayed during the payment process.

Do I need to be a Kanga customer to support the foundation?

If you wish to make a donation to a specific purpose, create an account at trade.kanga.exchange and top up your wallet. The donation will be deducted from your wallet.

To support the foundation activities in general, consider making a bank transfer directly to the foundation account.

How can I support the current donation campaign?

After clicking the “donate” button and selecting a donation amount, generate a Kanga Pay code. You can generate the code either by clicking on the “Kanga Pay” menu after logging into the trade.kanga.exchange or in the Kanga Wallet mobile app.

What if you don’t raise enough money to buy the equipment?

Our fundraising campaigns are not time-limited, so we do not anticipate this scenario. However, if for some reason the fundraising is stopped – we will inform you about it and choose the best solution.

What guarantee do I have that you do use my cryptocurrencies for buying someone equipment?

When you click the ‘donate’ button beneath the fundraising progress bar, we are committed to using your donation specifically for the intended fundraising purpose. If, however, you choose to support the foundtion in a different way, the money can also be used for collection/foundation marketing purposes or travel expenses for delivering  the equipment to the beneficiary. This also applies to any excess funds you contribute (i.e., donations exceeding the target amount needed to conclude the fundraising).

What is the minimum donation amount?

Your donation to the foundation statutory purposes can be made via bank transfer and it can be as little as 1 penny! In case of specific fundraising, the minimum donation is set at a value equivalent to 1 PLN in cryptocurrencies. We warmly encourage you to make generous contributions 🙂

Will I have to pay any additional charges as a donor?

When depositing via Kanga Pay, a 0.5% fee is automatically charged on the transaction amount (the fee is charged in connection with the service provider’s activities and does not constitute any remuneration to the Foundation). After the donation campaign, when selling the collected cryptocurrencies to purchase FIAT currencies and for the subsequent purchase of equipment, a commission of 0.4% is charged to the GoCash intermediary. In a situation where you deposit money through a traditional bank transfer – the price list of the bank where you have an account applies.

What kind of equipment can I request from you as a person in need?

You can apply for a wheelchair, prosthesis, orthopedic seat, hearing aid, FM system, and rehabilitation support items. Our equipment catalog is flexible; if you need something not listed, please let us know!

How can you support the foundation?

1) by bank transfer to the Kanga Foundation account:

63 1140 2004 0000 3802 8409 4571 (mbank).

2) transfer via blockchain:

a) BTC:
* segwit – bc1q78ca8gcrajpastm86dpj626szxjlskevd6dugy
* legacy – 1P4HYeRbPyJFgL9H7u6r8AMy6d4MjsYrVt

* ETH – 0x2c908a600bb71e68a7f045cebec2187a7e59a094
* BSC – 0x2c908a600bb71e68a7f045cebec2187a7e59a094
* POLYGON – 0x2c908a600bb71e68a7f045cebec2187a7e59a094
* ARBITRUM – 0x2c908a600bb71e68a7f045cebec2187a7e59a094

* ETH – 0x2c908a600bb71e68a7f045cebec2187a7e59a09