In the book “The Bitcoin Standard,” economist Saifedean Ammous explains the immense, revolutionary potential of the Bitcoin network and currency.
The breakthrough technology developed by the anonymous programmer Satoshi Nakamoto has the potential to solve a problem humanity has been grappling with since the dawn of trade – the problem of the transferability, solidity, and sovereignty of money. As a pioneering representative of digital cash and absolute scarcity, Bitcoin offers a long-awaited, decentralized, and free-market solution to one of modern society’s major issues – the constant decline in purchasing power of money manipulated by governments.
Product Information:
The Polish title: Czas Bitcoina. Zdecentralizowana alternatywa dla bankowości centralnej.
Original title: The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
Author: Saifedean Ammous
Translated from English by: Rafał Trąbski
Publisher: Freedom Publishing
Language of Publication: Polish
Cover: Paperback
Number of pages: 407
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